This is my new toy from Grandma and I love it!

We went to the zoo for my birthday. It was a beautiful day and Paisley had a blast. It was fun to watch her take it all in. This picture with the pony is her pointing to his nose. Grandma had so much fun with her- Paisley remembered her and wanted to show off all her tricks. We had never seen that side of Paisley but it was cute.
Happy Birthday sweet friend! I wish I could have spent some portion of the day with you and Paisley to let you know how precious you are to me and my family. I am so sorry we did not call on Sat. I knew it would be crazy but I sure did miss seeing you so I could give you a Birthday hug!love you mitz
hey lauren...these are the first photos i've seen of your mom...and although she has sunglasses on, i think you two look a lot alike :)
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