Sunday, August 7, 2011

Missionary Life 101 (pt. 1)

I have lived in Papua New Guinea for 12 days now. It is a great place and i am adjusting to our new season of life here. While we were in training we knew that PNG would be hot and humid, the people were going to smell different, food would be different, etc. And i embraced it, thinking that the Lord would challenge us beyond our own strength, and intimately bless us with other things. I was thinking if i am going to go there than hopefully He will let me have curly hair (from the intense humidity) and not have ants/gnats, because i will deal with flies and HUGE spiders...that sounds doable and like a vary fair deal. But nope. ANTS. They are so the new plague.

I know you are thinking, just spray some windex (which you can't get) and clean you counters clean. Oh no! These are 3rd world ants have no restrictions. They are everywhere: the counters, the flour, sugar, rice, the dishes in the sink, the dishes in the cupboard, the trash, shower, closet, walls, desk, table, even ants in your underpants!!! Yeah you have to put your underwear in a tupperware! that is the stuff they don't tell you in training folks! At first i tired to kill them and keep them out. But these ants are one step ahead of me. So i have learned to live WITH the ants. We stay out of each others main routes but we are always here together.
Tonight at dinner Paisley said "Mom there's a bee in my rice!" i said " it's just an ant, it's ok" So there you have it. We have been initiated onto the mission field.


ChenilleMatt said...

Face to face with earthly fears and God stomp down yet another.

julie said...

do they eat ants there??

good call on the underpants in the tupperware. i don't know if you have mice, but they like underpants too.

Stephanie said...

you'd think they'd have mentioned the tupperware situation! that's awesome.