The first couple weeks we were here there was a Translation Workshop at the base we live on. We got to meet a bunch of tribal church planters from all the areas New Tribes works in Papua New Guinea. The workshop was talking about translation for the Literacy course (in the tribe) as well as translation of the Bible and Bible lessons. The sweet part was that the missionaries brought with them their main language helper from the tribe. So we got to see the relationships that were built between these co-workers and most evident, friends.
One evening the whole base got together to have a potluck. Our family was eating and saw 2 tribal men starting to sit by themselves. I was easily able to sway them to join us and we made room. As we ate and talked (with very simple words and lots of body language since we didn't know much Tok Pisin at all) one of the tribal men said to us" The fellowship we are enjoying here now, is like a preview for what it will be like for all of us in heaven". (This was translated from one tribal guy to the other who knew more tok pisin and english.)
I was totally overwhelmed. I wasn't expecting to be so humbled and reminded of why decided to go to PNG anyway. It wasn't for adventure or challenge; to have an "experience" or see the world. It is all to bring His children back into right standing with Him, so that one day we can all be together praising God forever and ever. That is why we are here. I am thankful to have been motivated from the start by a tribal man to stay focused on the goal!

This is Paul. The one who did the Translating at the table. Paisley loved him. He was missing his kids back in the tribe and decided to love on ours in the mean time!
Amen sister! Love how nuggets of Truth come in such small packages (small phrases, little people, extra) but that they pack such a huge punch to our thought process! Praying for more "punches" for you that you can pass along... And vice versa! Looking forward to the celebration in heaven where I'll get to meet him too!
Hey Guys!
We are so excited for you! God is going to do BIG things through your faithfulness. Stay focused on Him who gives us joy as we seek Him. You're not only bringing Jesus to the lost. But with that fabulous dress Paisley is wearing, I would say style and color. Style them like Jesus and color them with His blood. Love you all!
Brian Padelford
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